Saturday, February 4, 2012


I had to change bases midway through my hitch.  I am compensated for the mileage (at gas-guzzler rates, which is way more than I actually use.  Can we say YES!!).

See?  Even my fastfood Road Food Coffee was smiling during the trip.

But it still makes me sad.  I think that, despite years of fervent belief in my preference for unattached, nomadic living, I really don't like unattached, nomadic living.

I miss my Man and our home.

I'm currently researching volunteering opportunities in Cleveland.

Where/when do y'all volunteer?

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... well, I'm going to start volunteering Thursday evenings at the North Dallas Shared Ministries clinic. I was volunteering there before Lucy was born and need to get back to it! I think volunteering is a great idea!


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