Friday, April 26, 2019

Anna's 21st Month

Heyo!  Get ready for some toddler overload cause I'mma catch y'all up.
This is post one of two.  Anna's 21st month was full for Mama, which is why I missed posting about it entirely.  I took some notes, but this will be a mostly-pictures post.
She saw a bug walking on the floor in the kitchen near the beginning of this month.
We talked about it for three weeks afterward.  Every time she thought about it, she'd go running to the kitchen, Bug!  Walking! Seeit? and then FooWay!  because it flew away.
I can't wait for the summer!!  She's going to LOVE the summer bugs!
We got her a potty this month.
We intend to try potty training this spring/summer, but this potty is just a get-acquainted-with-the-idea-of-sitting-on-a-potty kind of potty.  For now.
It was a big hit.
In fact, we spent a lot of time on the potty this month for people who are not potty training. (We spent a lot of time there the following month, too, but we're not there yet...)
We also got her a doorway swing with a bunch of different attachments.  She has been loving it!
It's just a doorway chin-up bar but with a bracket that grabs the wall instead of just letting it rest there.
At one point this month she drew with her crayons on the window.
It was a good learning moment for her (Not paper!), not least because it gave her the chance to learn to clean the windows.
And it turns out she loves to clean windows!
She loves to clean anything for which there are skorts (squirts) and a rag to wipe.  You're dusting?  She wants in.
It was still so cold this month...starting to go stir crazy!
Stay tuned!  She's already 22 months old!
Blow kisses!

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